creating your digital village

90 Day Spring Revolution


  • Ebook

    This Ebook will guide you through 90 days of simple actions & thoughtful prompts to help you make a habit of intentional choices. You can do it all at once, or completely at random. Scroll down to learn more about how it works!

  • Get personal

    Deepen your experience with two private coaching sessions- one to begin and one to end your journey- alongside your Ebook

A little more detail

This is a catalyst to move you from procrastination & passivity and into active manifestation of your reality. You and I will learn together to make a habit of intentional action and fully engage in the journey of discovery that is this life.

Did you know it takes 90 days to make or break a habit? A lot of us have so many areas of life we are trying to work on. But more often than not, if we try and change all of these areas at once and just POWER THROUGH until they’re all habit we get burnt out and end up right back where we started. So instead, last year when I needed to overhaul my life, I decided to simply make a habit out of choosing intentional action every day. Even if it was just one thing. And you know what? Slowly, over time, it worked- I began to crave challenge and enjoy making healthy choices for myself without the pressure of perfection. And that, my friend, is key.

90 Days may seem like a long time but don’t feel overwhelmed! With simple prompts for action or journaling each day, the goal is for this to be a slow and steady journey.

So how does it work?

I have found that most things in my life fit into one of four categories.

ENTERPRISE- business, workflow, projects, pipedreams

HOME & HEARTH- homey things-cooking, organization, creating space

SELF- personal care, wellbeing, health, connection

EXPANSION- creativity, spiritual practice, learning & experimenting

These categories are very fluid! For you, creativity could be your Enterprise, cooking might fall under health/self care, or yoga practice could be one mode of your expansion. We are all at unique stages in our journey with completely unique perspectives!

First we will identify your vision- who do you wish to be- and your obstacles- what do you need to change.

Next, using the framework of Cycle Syncing we will address things in each area little by little throughout the month, beginning with the “menstrual” phase on the full moon. The distinct characteristics of each phase will inform how we approach that week

MENSTRUAL- Visualization- inner work, vision, evaluation

FOLLICULAR- Flow- routines, new things, catalyst action

OVULATION- Creation- action, big projects, challenges

LUTEAL- Nesting- organization of home, mind, self

Each day will have a different prompt for action or thought that you can apply to your focus areas.

Want to join me?

There are 3 options to get involved!

1- Get the Ebook- launching on Friday April 7th. This will be a simple guide to help you define the areas in your life that need most attention as well as prompts for each of the 90 Days.

2- Join the Village-On top of the Ebook, get exclusive acces to my *very* new members-only site including community forums & discussion, weekly workshops/live streams & other surprise tidbits like recipes!

3- Walk with Me- In addition to the Ebook and Village membership, receive two 1-hr coaching sessions with me, at the beginning and at the end of your journey, and email me at any time so you can have one-on-one support on this journey *LIMITED PLACES*

The program begins with the “Menstrual” phase (Visualization) on the Full Moon. If your cycle doesn’t quite align with this, don’t worry! Order the Ebook to begin any time, or join the Village and learn together. You can easily adapt the prompts to work with your cycle, or just wait a little before you start working through the Ebook while still enjoying the community.